
CSE Marathon

APIBB organiza The CSE Marathon, 12 horas para charlar de ESI a través de Zoom. Presentaciones, charlas, talleres y debates en torno a la ESI.


  • Sin los 5 no es ESI: Poniendo el acento en lo “Integral” al momento de planificar.
  • CSE from an interdisciplinary approach in primary and secondary level CSE at university level: an opportunity to share formative experiences.
  • La ESI como desafío para nuestro rol docente.
  • Exploring picturebooks to handle classroom behaviour effectively.
  • CSE in Initial Teacher Education: paving the way for addressing CSE at schools.
  • Activities and Projects to Implement CSE in the EFL Classroom.
  • CSE in the classroom: How its aims underlie every action before, during and after a lesson.
  • Trans children and teens: Experience and identity.
  • Algunas pistas sobre cómo reflexionar acerca del lenguaje inclusivo en nuestras clases.
  • ESI and Picturebooks: A multilayered reading experience.


Ver el programa completo: The CSE Marathon- 12 horas de ESI

Link de inscripción: https://bit.ly/3Blc3jH